
GERBER装备提供在最恶劣的环境下的救生工具,为野外长时间逗留特别设计,Gerber Knives,超越极限,克服挑战,美国戈博公司毫无疑问地印证了刀具品牌成立之初的宣言!

Gerber knives专注设计多功能的产品,戈博刀具是一个值得信赖的品牌,质量与众不同,戈博对产品生产过程的每一个细节均一丝不苟,人工镶嵌技术更是巧夺天工,水准堪称行业中的翘楚。


Gerber designs and manufactures a variety of fixed, folding, assisted opening, and automatic opening knives for a range of activities. Hunting, survival, tactical, and everyday carry – a Gerber blade has you covered.


Gerber multi-tool collection includes one-hand opening multi-tools, traditional butterfly opening multi-tools, pocket multi-tools, and specialized tools for whatever the day requires.